A decade of writing with you. Happy 10th Birthaversary MLW!

Hi there! HAPPY NEW YEAR! I can’t believe it’s already 2023!!! I know it’s been a minute since I’ve posted! But I’m back to celebrate with you! I hope you are well, staying safe, and creating memorable moments with loved ones!

Take it back to 2013… 10 Years Ago!

Circa 2013- Day 1 of MLW!

It’s MLW’s (michelle leigh writes) 10th Birthday/Anniversary!!! Which I’ve decided to name Birthaversary. It’s crazy to think that 10 years ago, I decided to finally start sharing my writing. I have always been scared to admit that I was a writer. Now, I proudly include it as part of who I am. Even though I’m not posting all the time. Writing will never really leave me. And whether I ever make it my career, or make money from it, no matter what, I know I will always be a writer at heart. And a storyteller. And a believer of magic.  I always come back to it in some way. It is my way of sorting things out. Overcoming things. Making sense of things. And healing. Well that and some damn good Therapy!  It’s 2023 people. I’m telling you get on that therapy train. It’s worth it!

Happy 10th Birthaversary Michelle Leigh Writes!!!!

I will still be keeping this blog alive in order to share my writing when I feel to- mostly for the longer pieces. I already have so many Short Story Series on here for you to browse. Otherwise, I will be sharing most of my writing on my writer’s instagram more consistently. So please do follow! @michelleleighwritesvibes 

As 2022 comes to a close I wanted to just review some of the creative projects I shared. I love to do this little reflection of my work from the past year. This way I can set intentions for the next year. MichelleLeighWrites is my blog baby. A safe place for the written word. Here are some of my writer vibes this past year. I hope you enjoy and continue to come along for the ride. I have some big ideas for this year. Stay Tuned, friends!

2022 Writing Highlights

1. MLW turned 9 Years Old!

2. Love Letter Thoughts Series on Instagram

3. Writing on the Walls Series on Instagram (based on words found on walls around me at work.)

4. Participated in #ESCAPRIL on Instagram (Shout out to @savbrown for her month of poem prompts every April)

5 & 6. Hope Writer Life Challenges

7. Stop & See… It’s the little things Series on Instagram– An expression of gratitude for the every day joys of life.

No matter how small.

8. Did some work on my most current Short Story Series here on MLW- Black Nightingale- New Chapters SOON!

9. Also…I kept up my journaling habit too. I am currently up to Journal #10! 10 is my lucky number it seems. 😉

10. June Prompts from Hope Writers.

I had joined this writing group and participated in a number their prompt lists. I even took a virtual workshop. However, I found my schedule wasn’t allowing me to utilize the subscription to best of my ability so I ended up cancelling it. However, I really enjoyed what I was able to take part in. They even sent me this cute subscription box. You know your girl loves a mug! Hopefully I can look more into what they offer, this coming year.

I also got more into sharing stories and reels on instagram. I have a seasonal shorts story for all my holiday/theme story fans.

I also had fun playing around with canva designs and creating instagram aesthetics.

Follow my insta for my real time writing updates!

I hope to bring you much more content this year full of magic, and love and all things in between. 😉

And always thank you for reading!

Another thing I tried to start up in 2022 was a virtual book club for feedback on my short story series- MOVE. I definitely want to try and continue with that this year. So if anyone is interested, DM me your email on instagram and I will add you to the email list!

Love & Light and everything Bright. Cheers to new writing adventures in 2023!

*All images are my own*


Happy 9th Birthaversary MLW! + A 2021 Writer’s Recap

Hi there! HAPPY NEW YEAR! I know it’s been a minute! But I’m back to celebrate with you! I hope you are well and staying safe in these very unpredictable, crazy times. On the bright side…

It’s MLW’s (michelle leigh writes) 9th Birthday/Anniversary!!! Which I’ve decided to name Birthaversary. It’s crazy to think that 9 years ago, I decided to finally start sharing my writing. I have always been scared to admit that I was a writer. Now, I proudly include it as part of who I am. Even though I’m not posting all the time. Writing will never really leave me. And whether I ever make it my career, or make money from it or any of that, no matter what, I know I will always be a writer. And a storyteller. And a believer of magic. 🙂 I always come back to it in some way. It is my way of sorting things out. Overcoming things. Making sense of things. And healing. Well that and some damn good Therapy! 🙂 It’s 2022 people. I’m telling you get on that therapy train. It’s worth it!

Happy 9th Birthaversary Michelle Leigh Writes!!!!

I know I haven’t posted consistently much, but I will still be keeping this blog alive in order to share my writing when I feel to- mostly for the longer pieces. I already have so many Short Story Series on here for you to browse. Otherwise, I will be sharing most of my writing on my writer’s instagram more consistently. So please do follow! @michelleleighwritesvibes (I shared a lot of good stuff this past year! Check it out!)

As 2021 comes to a close I wanted to just review some of the creative projects I shared. I love to do this little reflection of my work before every new year. This way I can set intentions for the next year. MichelleLeighWrites is my blog baby. I don’t post that often but when I do, it is the host of my long form storytelling. A safe place for the written word. Here are some of my writer vibes this past year.
1. Vibe With Me Podcast– a YouTube playlist/podcast chit chat of 12 lessons I learned in 2020.

2. MLW turned 8 years old!

3. Vibe Thoughts series (available on my insta! Check it out @michelleleighwritesvibes)

4. Finished my Short Stories Series- Crazy Stalker Love

You can start reading it from the beginning HERE

5. New Short Story Series premiered- Black Nightingale.

Catch up on the first 5 Chapters here on MLW before new chapters are posted SOON! 🙂

6. Wrote my first flash fiction- The Whitakers

^ (available on my insta! Check it out @michelleleighwritesvibes)

7. Completed #escapril2021 (a poem posted every day for the month of April)

^(available on my insta! Check it out @michelleleighwritesvibes)

8. Journaled the entire month of June with guided prompts. Tnx @allthingskoze

Also keeping up my Journaling every day habit…on journal #7 now!
9. Did some work on my Novel. 🔥❤ Sadie and Luke’s love story will hopefully see more light in 2022!

10. Completed the #hopewriterlife challenge.

Making time to write isn’t always easy. I haven’t always been the best at it. Especially as of late with a new job and the craziness of the holiday season. However, I am proud of the things I did get to create. My hope for the new year is to further embrace the writer in me, the artist in me. And I hope that if you feel inclined to come along and read or listen to something here on MLW that you can relate to it. This is my heart. Happy New Year, my friends! Cheers to a new year of new projects. Some already in the works, and some probably not even thought up yet. 2022…let’s do this! Stay safe out there everyone! 🙂

Thanks for reading!

Stay Tuned!

All my love,


Michelle Leigh

2020 Plan With Me & Happy 7th Birthaversary MLW!

Hey there friends! I’m baaaack! 😉


It has been a minute!

But it’s a new year. A new decade. A decade of roaring twenties,

magical 2020 vision and a sparkling new opportunity for growth.

Happy New Year!


Today also happens to also be MLW’s 7th Birth-a-versary! That’s a combination of Happy Birthday/Happy Anniversary if you were wondering. That’s right 7 years of creating content from the heart here on michelle leigh writes! It’s kind of a big deal for me, since it took me years just to warm up to the idea of someone reading my writing.
And yes there have been lost posts and months of inactivity. But like I always say, I always come back. In my heart I know I have so many stories to tell, poems to craft and party planning ideas to share. And I’m grateful for this space where I can be truly me and speak freely. It will always be my “Safe place for the written word.”

In honor of my 7th blog year, LUCKY #7!

I baked some white chocolate, sprinkle, cake cookies!


So today, I thought I’d kick off this new post with a little 2020 planning for you. It’s in my bones to plan. I feel like every year I do the same thing. I plan and plan and then all plans get shot to hell when life flies into chaos. So I almost stopped myself from getting to much of the planning bug this year. But then I decided, maybe I can take a different approach this year. After all it is a new decade.

I rang the New Year in at my best friend’s house. Her and her husband hosted and it was a great time. We had champagne, wine and great food. We played this really fun game Telestrations After Dark. Warning: Not a kid friendly game. LOL. Then I spent New Year’s Day just being lazy in PJ’s, but being super productive in planning, straightening up my bedroom (which had become a mess because of the holidays,) and prepping for the work week. Thankfully, it was a short one to ease back into the swing of things! Because, we all know how hard it can be to get rid of that vacation brain. Your girl is still struggling! 😉


Buy a new Planner, Calendar, and Notebook. A must for me. Every year. Shout out to my Aunt Linda who gets tons of free calendars every year, so she always gives me one! This year I got a really pretty floral inspirational quotes one.


I got some cool new pens for Christmas!

Make a list of 2019 highlights. Every year I think “what did I really do this year? Not much.” It’s easy to get down on yourself and feel bad if you didn’t go on some lavish vacation, or fall in love and get engaged, or buy that house, or get that dream job. But I guarantee if you look back on your social media (if you’re a social media posting person) then you will see that you created so many countless, beautiful memories. My list was so long, I couldn’t even share it here if I wanted to! LOL.

Make a list of things you learned in 2019. Every year is full of ups and downs. But in those moments, there is always something to learn. Personal growth is an amazing thing.

Make a list of 2020 goals (re-evaluate your 2019 goals and how much you accomplished.) Sometimes this can be a daunting task. If you’re like me, sometimes you feel like every year you have the same goals. So evaluating the past year’s goals can make you feel unaccomplished. But that’s why I also like to make a list of highlights so you can see how much you actually did accomplish! It’s all about perspective people! Although it can fly by, a year is a significant amount of time, and you can really do so much. You do so much. You just don’t realize it. And sometimes, the little things are the big things.

Check in on Work In Progress projects. So this is referring to my long list of projects I started this year and old projects that I haven’t finished over the past decade! So I just sort of took stock of their status and prioritized the few that I want to tackle this month.

Create an inspirational playlist of songs to set the mood for your 2020. I did this last year too, and it was super fun. I’ve been listening to mine and it’s full of fun vibes. I have some New Year’s songs on there, some slow jams, some old jams, some new jams, some 1920’s music. I’m actually still adding, every time I hear or think of a new song that resonates with my vibe this year.

Create a YouTube playlist of inspirational videos you want to watch. So I’m a big YouTube fan, and everyone is posting New Year content, which is really inspirational. So much so that it was getting overwhelming seeing the videos roll in. So I decided the best way to help myself was to create a playlist of all the videos I wanted to watch, and that way I can watch them at my leisure. Some of my favorite YouTubers include, Rachel Talbott, Kalyn Nicholson, Carrie Rad, Marisa Mohi, Kristen Martin, and Niki DeMar.

Start getting back to routine. Work, exercise, eating right, meditation, prayer. I find that when I have this kind of routine, I feel more centered, more focused, less anxious and more like myself.

Make a “Stress Away” basket full of things that you can pick from, to calm those stressful nerves. In mine I included, an adult coloring book, a stress ball, two small note pads and some pens, a gratitude journal, a FRIENDS quiz book, puzzles, t-shirt designing stuff (because yes I sometimes like to make my own t-shirts), a painting kit, and a word search book. I also plan to add a few more things as I go. You can really customize this to whichever you wish.


Order some fun products online to add to your New Year vibe. I have been into trying to clear up my skin, and also find fun ways to exercise. So I recently ordered a humidifier, a facial cleansing brush, a lap desk for my lap top, writing gloves, a dry brush, a white head tool for acne, an exercise hula hoop, an energy lamp, and YouTuber Kalyn Nicolson’s poetry book Dancing with elephants.

Practice Gratitude. So I have a gratitude journal that I sometimes write in, where you write down 3 things you are grateful for that day. But lately I’ve just been saying Thank You to God at moments, in my prayers, out loud, to myself. Just a simple thank you. It’s peaceful and it feels good. Because even if your day sucks, there is something, even the smallest thing, that could make you feel grateful. Every day may not be good, but there is something good, in every day.

Do a tarot card reading for 2020, AND/OR Read your horoscope. I get that this isn’t for everyone. And I don’t buy into it as strong as some people do. But I do think it can be really fun. I have an Animal Spirit Deck and A Fairy Deck. Yes ya girl loves fairies. Have since I was a kid and saw a movie about fairies and then saw one flying around in my room in the middle of the night. #MAGIC. Inspired by Kalyn Nicholson’s 2020 reading, I decided to do my own, and man oh man was it eye opening. It gave my 2020 some seriously good vibes and a cool direction. I also looked up my Aries info for 2020.

This was my reading.


Reach out to family and friends and start to book plans in for the month or the next. If you’re like me, you have a ton of people you love and value in life. But when life gets so crazy, it can be sometimes really hard to make time for everything. So I decided to just start early and check in with all my various friend groups and start to make plans to hangout. Life is just more joyful when you have great friends to chill and talk with. Sometimes you just need a night with your girls! My calendar is already slowly filling up! I can’t wait to see everyone!

Go food shopping. I don’t know about you guys but after the hustle and bustle and traveling of the holidays, I had been eating like total crap, and my body was definitely feeling it. And so my mom and I took a trip to the supermarket and stocked up on healthier food options. My body is very happy now! 🙂

Balance your check book. (Maybe do this one before ordering a bunch of stuff on amazon!) 🙂

Give back and make the world just a little bit better. I recently donated to Givit for the wildfires happening in Australia. I’ve been seeing these devastating images all over social media. And I just wanted to do something. Even though it was small. It was something and every little bit counts. I also donated to the National Autism Association and I always donate to the Alzheimer’s Association during the walk which I did in 2019. Like I said it may not be much, but I give what I can afford and I hope and pray it helps.

Create a mood board or an inspiration board. This is where that 2019 Highlights list comes into play. You can look at that and see how much you’ve actually done over the last year and then pull a few things from it, and print out some pictures to symbolize those things. I personally just scroll through my instagram and see what I posted throughout the year or years. I chose a lot of inspirational quotes too, and pictures of family and friends, and then I also used pictures of myself in memories that instilled feelings in me that I want to recreate or feel again this year. Things I’ve done to step out of my comfort zone. Things I’m proud of. Things I want to work on. Things that were just fun. ALL THE INSPRING THINGS! I’m so used to putting pictures of OTHER people- mostly celebrities- on these boards, that when I look at them they don’t FEEL like me. So this year I thought, why not inspire MYSELF, by highlighting things I actually did in the past that I can try to implement again this year. Because we get in ruts, and we fear change and every New Year is a chance to fight that and try harder to accept change. After all there is peace in acceptance, if you look closely enough!

Write a list of important dates. For me this included writing a few subscription dates. I know I have some ending in the next few months so I want to be aware of that and be sure I renew them or cancel them. This can also be for any doctor appointments or adult things you need to do. Write them down!

Reflect on the past decade. This one might take some serious thinking!

Look up a list of New Year’s Eve movies. I just googled and found a list HERE. I guess I tend to live in theme. LOL. I have been craving a NYE film, I basically watched Sex and the City all New Year’s Eve. But I actually didn’t get my “New Year’s Eve” fill. I kind of love that movie!


You may notice there’s a lot of writing involved. What can I say, I’m a writer. 😉 And a lover of a good list. Now you see what that notebook purchase was for! Make use of it! Keep in mind you obviously do not have to do all these steps in the first month. You do have a whole year. You don’t even have to do all these steps at all. This is just what I did. And it’s just helping me take stock and see what I wish to work on this year. I just feel extra motivated and I’m going to go with this soul flow. Good Vibes.

So there you have it. My tips and tricks to rock 2020. I know this is not a full proof method. And there will be hard times that deter me. But I feel inspired and I just thought I’d share this with you on this special day.

Thanks for reading! XO

Feels good to be back.

Happy 7th Birthaversary Michelle Leigh Writes!

IMG_20200108_223158_521 (1)

To celebrate I think I’m going to grab a glass of Champagne Rose,

a few White Chocolate Chip cake cookies, and pop on one of those New Year’s movies! 😉

Update: I watched Freeform’s new version of Party of Five and Chicago PD instead. 🙂


*All images are my own.*





The One Where Monica & Rachel Go To The Movies- Friends in theaters!

Not only did I attend the Friends Pop Up, in honor of the show’s 25th Anniversary, but Regal theaters took part in screening 4 episodes of Friends a night last weekend. I heard about this and thought, that would be so cool to watch FRIENDS in a theater. So I bought tickets for me and my sister in law.


I also roped her into dressing like one of the characters. To other people we just looked like we were wearing normal clothes but to us, well, we were Monica and Rachel of course!

So as I was waiting for my sister in law, I kind of had a little photo booth prop-selfie session. My sister in law had gotten me these photo props a little bit ago from Primark (I believe) and I thought it would be fun to pull them out. I also was even more of a geek and created a “Central Perk Cold Brew” label for our coffees, since it was so hot out that day. 😉

The 4 episodes that they were screening on the night we went were:

The One With The Prom Video

The One Where No One’s Ready

The One With The Morning After

The One With The Embryos

This day was a good choice, because these are some of my favorite episodes.

We got our pop corn and our massive sodas and sat back and laughed with like minded, friends lovin’ souls who quoted the show and clapped along to the intro. I would love to watch FRIENDS like that everyday!



The Outfits

My sister in law channeled this Rachel Green Outfit.


I channeled this Monica Look…


Becoming Monica Geller

                    Monica style91b3fee47311e48a40190161079d74bb[1]

What You Need For This Look:

White button down shirt

Dark Wash Jeans (high waisted would have worked better)

Black belt

Black shoes with white laces (I chose black and white sneakers)

Silver dangly earrings (chose the bigger pair)

Silver watch (I didn’t have a watch, so I chose the skinnier silver bracelet)

2 Silver Rings

1 Turquoise Ring (I chose the smaller one)

Black Choker

Red lipstick

Hair parted on the side

Slightly flipped at the bottom hair (I just used a straightener to flip out the bottom ends)

Aside from the red lipstick, I kept my makeup pretty natural on my eyes. As I was researching the fashion of the three girls, I realized Monica was the one I had most in common with. She is laid back and comfortable. At times she’ll throw on a skirt or dress, but she usually keeps it casual. She often rocked red lips, sneakers, button ups, high waited jeans and silver jewelry. Watches and turquoise were super in too!

Coffee cold brew

It was super fun to dress like one of the girls, and to watch friends on the big screen. My sister in law and I had a good time. And I can’t wait to celebrate more FRIENDS anniversaries in the future.


Cheers, Friends!

Happy 25th!


*All photos are my own.*



My F.R.I.E.N.D.S Pop-Up Experience

To re-cap my love of FRIENDS check out some earlier posts!

2013- Central Perk Party…

2014- My TV Nerd Dream Came True

2019- FRIENDS Pop Up!!!!

This year Friends hit it’s 25th Anniversary! So naturally the world took notice and the events started lining up. Thankfully, my sister in law was able to score tickets to the FRIENDS Pop Up.


I went in mid September and it was everything I wanted. Tickets were about 35 dollars, and you got a time slot. This was super organized and we didn’t have to wait like the Central Perk Pop Up in 2014. The staff was super nice and helpful and it was just a blast.

Character Corners



Monica (and her cleaning tips!)



“Monica Clean!”




Glyniss- An original Buffay


Phoebe’s dollhouse







Other Artifacts from the show



Scene Recreations! (My favorite part!)

Monica & Rachel’s Apartment door


Joey & Chandler’s Apartment



Joey’s Chandler Impression…

“Look at me I’m Chandler! Could I BE wearing anymore clothes!”



Monica’s Turkey Dance!

Turkey head

Just to put my fellow germaphobe friends at ease, there were Clorox wipes on hand! 😉



The EPIC Pivot Scene!


The Opening Credits & Central Perk


The Real Coffee Shop/Gift Shop Areas

Other Random Fun Atmosphere Stuff


The Pop Up was so much fun, I loved seeing the artifacts, and getting to recreate scenes from the show. I love television and storytelling. My dream is to write for tv, so these events are such a dream for me! It was one of the best days, and I’m really glad I got to share it with my brother and sister in law as we rocked our FRIENDS t-shirts. (I got mine in HOT TOPIC.) 


Also we went to Black Tap after for lunch and I had to get their friends themed shake! It was delicious, but massive so I couldn’t finish it all. LOL. 



FRIENDS is my favorite show of all time. I love each character and all their quirks. They have made me laugh countless times. Thank you FRIENDS, for always being there for me. Happy 25th Anniversary! I can’t wait to see what they do for the 30th! 

*All images are my own.*


Keri Allen Inspired Fashion Look #Pearson

USA network released it’s new show, Pearson this Summer. My girl Bethany Joy Lenz plays Keri Allen- city attorney and right hand woman to Chicago’s mayor Bobby Novak.

In the show she is not only feisty and sarcastic, but she borders the line between right and wrong both in her professional and in her personal life. As we soon find out that she is THAT girl who is sleeping with her boss.

HOWEVER, she is an intelligent, hard working, diligent  woman who has gotten to where she is by her own merit. And her fear is that being with Bobby (Mayor Novak) is not only hurting her reputation but also breaking up a marriage and a family.

Although you can see the pain that has been created due to this affair, we do find out that Bobby pursued her when he and his wife were separated. Yea yea same old story, different characters. So many #Scandal vibes up. in. here. I love it.

Keri is a badass, she doesn’t take crap from anyone, and she is somehow unapologetic for her actions. I mean personally I don’t LOVE that she’s the other woman. I think it is very black and white, separated or not, he has a ring on his finger girl. AND let’s be VERY clear here, she may have slept with a married man and continued to fall into some twisted relationship with him, but HE is the married man who kept pursuing her. Just as much as it is her responsibility to check for a ring, it’s his to know he wears it and that ring is attached to a another woman he made promises to, a woman he had children with. Bobby is being sleazy. No doubt about it. But you can tell the affair wasn’t something Keri planned. And she let it go on for so long because falling in love with her boss was just kind of something that happened along the way and something she felt she couldn’t help.

Needless to say things get juicy and shit GOES DOWN as the season is coming to a close. And Keri is always trying to as Novak likes to say, “Keep her hands clean.” He doesn’t want her involved in all his behind the scenes, illegal drama. Enter- Jessica Pearson, the woman, the myth, the legend.


In order to get shit done, Keri has to be comfortable to do that. And from looking over some of her fashion in the show. I realized there are some things she seems to be drawn to.


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Simple, classic, timeless pieces- such as high waisted trousers, turtlenecks, blazers, button down shirts, and trench coats.

A lot of business attire.

Neutral colors-blacks, grays, whites, browns, navy, light blues, etc.

In her down time I’ve seen her rock jeans and a button up or a simple LBD (Little Black Dress).



Pearson - Season 1

Not many. At all.

I’ve noticed she mostly wears simple studs and a watch.

IF she happens to wear a necklace it is often something simple and delicate.

Her nails are usually a very natural color too. 


Pearson - Season 1Pearson - Season 1victoria-beckham-fitted-trench-coat-keri-pearson[1] (2)Pearson_104_01[1]

Keri keeps it very natural. She almost has that No Makeup, Makeup look.

I feel like she sticks to colors that just kind of enhance the natural colors in her features.

However, every so often she may throw on a red lip, and it adds that extra pop.

As for her hair she keeps that classic too. Just some simple twists or power pony’s. Or some soft curls.

My Keri Allen Inspired Look:

Based off this look.


remote[1] (2)

I like how even though this a classic, black and white combo- she still adds the red lip. And her blazer has a touch of leopard peaking out at the rolled cuff. I SEE YOU KERI! A red lip and some animal print at the office? YES! MY FAV!

I pulled this black blazer from my closet, that has some striped print when you roll the sleeves, I thought it was similar to Keri’s style. Black dress pants that have a higher waist line, and a white button down shirt. 

full outfit layout


Please ignore my missing button, LOL!

makeup and nail polish ideas

I already had a manicure, but I pulled some neutral Essie nail colors to show you that could work for Keri’s Look- Ladylike, Clothing Optional, Mamba, and Au Natural.


makeup and nails

For makeup I mostly used the Naked basics palette. And I went with a red lip- in Revlon’s Red Lacquer. For a more neutral lip, I’d go with this Revlon Ultra HD Matte Lip Color in the shade-Forever. 


I pulled some simple jewelry options that could work. Simple studs, delicate necklaces, and something that resembles a watch but it’s actually an oil diffuser bracelet.

no watch

It was either that or this groovy watch I had as a kid! LOL. I remember I saw this watch in CVS and I HAD TO HAVE IT, on account of the bright colors! I’m not a watch person at all now! So I figured the bracelet worked. 


I just chose to rock a pair of studs and the “watch” for accessories.



Obviously I have much shorter hair then Keri, but I tried to still style it similarly.

I couldn’t really see her shoes in any of the shots, but I feel like you can’t go wrong with a trusty black pump.

I work in a much more relaxed environment so I can wear jeans and sneakers. But after dressing in Keri’s style for a minute, I kind of liked the classic look. It was fun, put me in an office! Actually no, I’d never want an office job, I feel like an office style would be too restricting for me. I like to dress comfortable, and funky at times, Lol.

The Comparison…How did I do?



Do you like Keri Allen’s classic style? Visit this site and shop her clothes!


The Pearson Season 1 finale airs this Wednesday @ 10 PM on the USA Network.

Check your local listings!


*I do not take credit for the Keri/Jessica/Pearson stills/gifs/ video clips used.*

*All other images are my own.*


“Lover” Lyric Poem


I forgot that you existed, she said to the man after one long cruel summer.

It isn’t love, it isn’t hate, it’s just indifference.

Boys will be boys, where are the wise men? A constant thought.

Baby-doll, when it comes to a lover- you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.

Soon, you’ll get better.

It’s a story. A love story.


We were Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince with a death by a thousand cuts.

It’s not as tragic as it sounds, I’m older now. And you’re not my baby.

Walking along Cornelia Street, I found myself a London Boy.

He got that boyish look that I like in a man. Lyrical Smile. Daylight in his indigo eyes.

You may be from London, boy, but I’m New York City, I still do it for you babe.

My heart’s been broken, yours has been blue. Let me travel the world with you.

I’ve been the archer, I’ve been the prey, I’m so sick of running as fast as I can, wondering if I’d get there quicker if I was the man.

How hard is it to find your forever Lover. Hiding undercovers, in the winter I’ll be your Summer.

I don’t wanna look at anything else now that I saw you. Paper things, I think.

I like shiny, fancy things, but I’d marry this man with paper rings. Cuz cruelty only wins in the movies.


Lost in a film scene.


Help me hold onto you.

Bring me back into reality.

I feel my heart beat, skipping down 16th Avenue. Thinking, Bless my soul. Would we still worship this love, even if it’s a false god? I think he knows.

STOP, think to myself- You need to calm down. Is this real? Or are we just friends?

It’s nice to have a friend, I guess.

But you’ll never get just what you see, I promise that you’ll never find another like me!

Fighting with a true love, is like boxing with no gloves. I don’t wanna lose this with you.

Meet me in the afterglow. ❤


See what I did there?

How many Taylor Swift lyrics/song titles did you spot?

*I do not take credit for Taylor’s music, lyrics, or her cover art used.*


My Fall 2019 TV Schedule

Dancing With The Stars – MONDAY 9/16 @ 8PM on ABC

The Resident-TUESDAY 9/24 @ 8PM on FOX [New Night]

This Is Us- TUESDAY 9/24 @ 9PM on NBC

Chicago PD- WEDNESDAY 9/25 #onechicago (PD,MED,FIRE) starts @ 8PM on NBC

How To Get Away With Murder- THURSDAY 9/26 @ 10PM on ABC [Last Season]

Supergirl- SUNDAY 10/6 @ 8PM on The CW

Riverdale- WEDNESDAY 10/9 @ 8PM on The CW

Don’t think they’ve released a new trailer for Season 4 so here is the Netflix trailer.

Charmed – FRIDAY 10/11 @ 8PM on The CW

Don’t think they’ve released a new trailer for Season 2 so here is the Season 1 trailer.

Dynasty – FRIDAY 10/11 @9 PM on The CW

Don’t think they’ve released a new trailer for Season 3 so here is the Netflix trailer.

I kind of lost track with a bunch of these and really need to catch up before they premiere their new seasons. I’m only caught up on The Resident, Charmed, and Dynasty. As for Dancing with the Stars, this is a show I really like but I don’t usually watch unless there is someone I really love on it and even then it is such a heavy two night commitment so….I never know. We’ll see what happens with it this year. I just know I want to see Hannah B. (The Bachelorette) and James Van der Beak (Dawson from Dawson’s Creek)! Supergirl is another show that I kind of lost interest in a few seasons ago, because so many characters left, but I hear they are bringing Wynn back so maybe I can get back into it, we’ll see.

New Shows I May Check Out: I don’t know if they’ll stick for me, but we’ll give ’em a go!

Nancy Drew- WEDNESDAY 10/9 @ 9PM on The CW

Stumptown- WEDNESDAY 9/25 @ 9PM on ABC

^the music in this promo is fire!

Emergence- TUESDAY 9/24 @ 10PM on ABC

 Almost Family- WEDNESDAY 10/2 @ 9PM on FOX

^Emily Osment & Brittany Snow! This could be GOOD! I love them both! And I can already tell that this odd storyline is going to bring out some serious sisterhood vibes.


Other shows that I watch like Will & Grace, Roswell, and In the dark are mid-season shows and will most likely pick back up in January 2020 or sometime in 2020.

Check your local listings!

What are you watching this Fall?





TV I fell in love with this Summer


!!!!! SPOILERS AHEAD !!!!!

Jane The Virgin [Premiered it’s 5th and Last Season]

CRAZY SHOUT OUT TO THIS QUEEN for this INSANE 7 minute monologue done in one continuous shot! Gina Rodriguez is EPIC! Please give her all the awards. I remember watching this and just being in complete awe of her. Her acting was complete and total brilliance. Read about the process of shooting this scene HERE

I’m a total TV nerd, who loves to plan and who loves a good theme. I do this often. Here’s my Jane the Virgin finale setup. Yes, I do this just for me. And I freaking LOVE IT!

Allow me to explain.

My set up includes:
A flower (Jane’s grandma’s virginity metaphor) Haha.
White petals to symbolize her moments with Rafael.
Snowballs to symbolize the title of Jane’s first novel- Snow Falling and her life with Michael.
A cross necklace to symbolize the strong faith this show has and it’s also a necklace I think Jane has worn in earlier seasons.
A soap opera digest as a ode to the show’s telenovela nature.
A lavender drink and tablecloth because it’s Rogelio’s favorite color.
And lastly the meal that just screams Villanueva- a grilled cheese sandwich.
Oh and I made a ratchet t-shirt of course with my favorite quote. Because duh?
The finale episode made me laugh, made me cry, made me gasp. But mostly it made me realize how much I’m going to miss this show. Excellent, television. A true game changer. Thank you. Can’t wait for the spinoff!

Always knew these two were endgame. 

My girl, Sophia Bush even guest starred this season! 😀

Grand Hotel 

This show premiered this Summer and honestly it had me hooked. It’s mysterious, and romantic and full of drama. I hope it gets a season 2, because I just watched the finale and it was bringing the plot twists left and right! Also I think there are many familiar faces involved.


P.S. did I mention the ROMANCE!


The Bachelorette (Hannah B’s Season) / Bachelor in Paradise

Why am I so invested in these cheap, reality shows! I am so convinced it is heavily scripted, but I can’t take my eyes away. It’s like a cringeworthy car crash. I have not watched The Bachelor franchise in years. I think I may have watched the first season of The Bachelorette and that is all. But I kept seeing all this drama surrounding Hannah B.’s season and I just got curious and binge-watched it on demand, getting all caught up before home town visits. PETER WAS MY FAVORITE! And as for Hannah, I did like her, but sometimes I found myself screaming at her on my tv too. She definitely had her badass, female empowerment moments too though. So you do you Hannah Boo. Girl is going to be on this Season’s Dancing with the Stars. Like…what? Crazy! She’s everywhere!


Hannah had such a great group of guys, aside from the Luke P. drama. I loved so many of them- Peter, Tyler, Garrett, Dylan, Mike, Connor and Luke S. Honestly I want them to all to get their own show- Bachelor Bros. They are all like really good friends. I follow them all on instagram and they are always joking and commenting back and forth with each other. By the way… I did like Jed, but if you watched, you know the drama that went DOWN!

PILOT PETE!!!!!! #Windmill #JesusStillLovesMe

image[1] (2)

TYLER was another one of my favorites. THAT MAN’s TELL ALL SHOW THO!!! Girl just threw her hat in the ring there. #DRAMADRAMGIGIHADIDDRAMA 


GARRETT was another fav! He is so cute on instagram! I just love him! 

I had a little party for the finale. I was so nervous while watching. I wanted her to pick Peter SOOOO bad, but if you watched you know she didn’t. So fingers crossed that he is the next bachelor!  #SIGNMEUP #IDGIVEHIMALLTHEROSES


And then after that ended Bachelor in Paradise started up…and I didn’t even know this was a thing. Various past contestants get to come back and get another shot at finding love as they stay on a beach in Mexico. So I was like what the hell? Why not. Some of the guys from Hannah’s season were on so I was like woohoo, #SummerTV. Connor, Dylan, Mike, Luke S. were on and some others too. And it is so dramatic and I feel so frustrated watching it, but I can’t help it. It’s entertaining as hell. LOL. My fav couples are Katie & Chris and Clay and Nicole. I just hope they end up together. I also really loved Derek who was from a different season but he is no longer on. The finale is next week and then we get a reunion show, SO HEYYYY!!!! And the next Bachelor is announced. What do we think guys, do those ankles from that new promo look like Peter’s? I sure hope so!

BH 90210

When I heard about this reboot, I WAS ESTATIC. When I heard about the concept, not so much. I was nervous, and skeptical. I wanted to love it, but I was scared I wouldn’t. But…it is actually SO DAMN GOOD. This take on the reboot trend is fresh and inventive. I’m so sad it’s only 6 episodes. The season finale is tonight! I hope they bring it back for season 2! It’s so funny, nostalgic and oddly mysterious. It makes my heart happy to see the crew back together. Although I must say…Luke Perry will always be missed.

90210 newScreenshot_20190808-114139_InstagramI may have been a bit young to watch 90210 from the start. But I remember being obsessed with the reruns so much I ran out and bought the first season on DVD. From 90210 where this dream boat waltzed in as Dylan McKay and made girls everywhere swoon. I was unable to decide if I liked him more with Brenda or with Kelly because he made both relationships look so good. To the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie where he was once again the adorable love interest. To when he guest starred on old pal “Kelly’s” “What I Like About You” show. To his most recent role as Fred Andrew’s on CWs hit Riverdale. I’ve followed his career and have always loved him. My heart is broken to know he is gone. 💔 I still can’t believe it. Rest in Peace Luke Perry. You’ll always be a legend. #DylanMckay


I had a little fun premiere party with my sister in law, so I thought why not honor the peach pit, by bringing in some peach vibes…I also rocked this 90210 shirt I made from an old shirt that didn’t fit anymore. I cut out the logo and sewed it to a white tee, that I cropped and made tie. 


Pearson [Premiered it’s 1st season on USA]

You know why I’m watching this….my girl Bethany Joy Lenz plays Keri Allen!

I was never a “SUITS” viewer, but I know this is a spin-off based on Jessica Pearson from the show. It is a bit hard to get fully invested in at times, because I honestly just want to see Joy on my screen at all times. LOL. But she does play a vital role. She plays city attorney and left hand woman to Chicago’s mayor Bobby Novak…whom she is having an on going affair with. It’s steamy and sexy and SAD…because there are so many complications and so many times you just want to scream at Keri for being THAT GIRL. But tv is NEVER just right or wrong, Pearson explores the Gray. The Gray in Law, in Politics, and in Love. I AM HERE FOR IT! The finale is next week. So I’m excited, I hope it gets a season 2! Because I really like seeing both Jessica Pearson and Keri Allen be kickass, powerful women BOSSES.

Keri & Bobby THO!!!! #SWOON

Had a little Pearson Premiere Party because I’m a tv geek and I love Joy. So my best friend and I got together to watch.

Younger [Premiered it’s 6th Season]

I fell in love with this show, when it first premiered. And I mean Hilary Duff…duh?


The finale just aired and this season was full of crazy twists and turns and lots of laughs. But of course in the land of Charles & Liza vs. Liza & Josh. I am all about #TEAMJOSH. Season 7 COMING SOON!

Stranger Things [Premiered it’s 3rd Season on Netflix]

It’s been a minute since Season 2! I’m a little sad that this season is only 8 episodes. I am currently up to 6. And I have to say it’s not my favorite season. But there has definitely been some really good stuff so far. So I’m excited to see all that goes down in the upside down and the real world parallels.


I went to Coney Island this Summer and it was all decked out in promotion for the show. AND Baskin Robbins released special ice cream flavors for the show too! Eleven’s Heaven (White), Upside Down Pralines (Chocolate). They were amazing! Especially the Eleven’s Heaven, it had waffle cone pieces in it. #HEAVEN

In The Dark [This wasn’t exactly a summer show, but I have yet to talk about it on this blog, so I just wanted to give it a shout out, because it is so good.] A really unique storyline that follows a blind girl who becomes obsessed with the death of a close friend, and takes it upon herself to get him some justice. She is a real fire cracker who hands out insults often, loves smoking and generally hates life. But somehow, you just end up falling in love with her clever angsty wit. I was happy to hear it was picked up for a second season!


Plus…there’s this guy…what a dreamboat. Casey Deidrick who played Chad on Days of Our Lives and Tommy in an MTV show “Eye Candy” that got cancelled, when it shouldn’t have.

Scream (Season 3, not sure when this premiered on tv…I just saw it pop up on Netflix and got super excited.)


Seasons 1 &2 were pretty good, I used to love the original slasher films as a kid. I thought they were mysterious and scary. That and I Know What You Did Last Summer were slasher jams growing up in the 90’s/00’s. So I was hyped to see they FINALLY released a Season 3 after all the confusion and cast changes. The plot twist was nice! I was happy that they played with the audience, I was all over the place as to who the killer was. It was only 6 episodes, so I finished it in like 2 days. But with Halloween coming up, it’s perfect to get into the spooky spirit.

Here’s the trailer if your interested.

So there you have it, my Summer TV recap. Check ’em out!

And tell me what you watched this Summer!

*The only photos that I take credit for are the “Premiere Party” photos.*


MUSIC I fell in love with this Summer


Tori Kelly 


Inspired by True Events [released August 2019]

So I actually saw Tori back in April for the her Acoustic Sessions- where she not only performed songs from her incredible Gospel album “Hiding Place”, but also a lot of unreleased music that she just recently released in this new project.

And holy crap…what an absolute masterpiece. Not only are the songs/lyrics incredible… but the concept “Inspired by True Events” is so beautiful and personal. She wrote from personal memories and she even included voice clips of her younger self. It’s just so amazing.

My favorite tracks are, Coffee, 2 Places, Kid I Used To Know, and Pretty Fades.

Shawn Mendes


Self titled album [released May 2018…but it’s been releasing new material well into this year.]

My favorite tracks include, Senorita, If I Can’t Have You, Fallin’ All In You, Where Were You In The Morning, Nervous, Particular Taste [Gives me serious Prince vibes!], Mutual,  Queen and When You’re Ready [That’s like the whole album LOLOL, omg I told you I LOVE his music.]

The Shawn Mendes Tour

I saw Shawn in concert at Barclay’s Center on August 23rd. I randomly bought tickets because it dawned on me how much I love his music- I’ve been listening since Handwritten, yo! I also became obsessed with his new single “If I Can’t Have You.” So my friend and I were super excited to get our cougar on, and go and sing our asses off with all the little teens. Fun Fact: we were those some older girls a few years back when we went to see Justin Bieber. Haha.

However, I promised you the full concert experience story so here it goes…

Shawn Mendes was AMAZING! Such a stinking cutie pie. I know I have a few years on him, but I have such a stinking crush on this cutie! If only I was 21 again. 😉 Boy can SING! And his music is so damn good. I kind of was hoping for a Camila Cabello surprise, but she wasn’t there. He did do a short mash up of Senorita/I Know What You Did Last Summer, but we definitely missed Camila. He shortened the songs significantly. He also surprised us with a coldplay cover and a FREAKIN WHITNEY HOUSTON cover. LIKE BOY….WHAT? He definitely put on a great show.


BUT had it not been for one sweet woman who exchanged our seats for closer ones, I think I might have had a panic attack in that arena in the upper level. I had purchased tickets in section 206, because frankly it was all I could afford. The structure is INSANELY dangerous. Walking up those stairs was terrifying. I just tried to keep my cool, because it would have been very easy to let my anxiety take over. But I knew I had to keep it together, if I had any chance of enjoying the show.

My friend has a fear of heights (which sadly I did not know, otherwise I never would have bought those seats!) and so I realized quickly we needed to do something. Thankfully she came up with the idea to see if we could get our seats changed. And so the craziness continued. Not only did the venue let us in later than they should (seriously how do they expect thousands of people to be seated in 10-15 minutes/security check alone was like 10!), and they let us in a weird side entrance where we could not catch an elevator, escalators weren’t working and there was no one really telling us where to go. We had to walk up flights of stairs to get to our seats, not to mention that you had to walk a marathon to get food. All of this drama, causing so many people to miss the opening act- Alessia Cara. I heard her and caught a few bits, she was AMAZING. WHAT A DAMN VOICE. SHE SANG “How Far I’ll Go” from MOANA! #FEELS

I have to say in an emergency situation, I would not have felt safe in that arena. It just seemed like no one cared.

Anyway once we let Alessia’s set finish, I knew we had a small window to change our situation before Shawn took the stage. So my friend and I had to look for an usher, yes WE HAD TO LOOK FOR THEM, and ask if we could get our seats changed. I have to be honest, I didn’t think that was a thing. But my friend was like, we have to try, and she was right, the longer we sat up in those steep seats, the scarier it got. We definitely would not have felt safe to get up, let alone dance.

So the usher (although nice) told us he couldn’t help us and to go to guest services, to which the man there kept ignoring our complaints stating, “you don’t have a disability,” so he can’t help me. I was pissed.

So finally another woman told us to try the box office. We get to the box office and they tell us to go to guest services, and I was like “no, we were just there, they sent us here.” She almost told us there’s nothing they can do, that all we can do is purchase ANOTHER ticket. MIND you those nose bleeds seats COSTED $85. I was like “That’s insane, we paid to be here, and we can’t sit there, I’m not asking you to give me some crazy front row seats, we just have to get out of ours.” The woman was very understanding, but you could tell she was not sure if she could help us, claiming that guest services keeps sending people to her. So, this is not the first complaint they’ve gotten. If you have vertigo, you’d probably pass out up there. I mean I myself almost had a panic attack up there, it was so scary. Anway,  the woman came back a few minutes later with two tickets, saying, “It’s your lucky day.” And it got me thinking, how many people who complained weren’t THAT lucky.

There really should be a change made. I know we are not the first people to complain about the steep seating. Not to mention that Barclays Center actually has a policy that says special accommodations can be made at the venue day of. I understand anxiety may not be a disability, but it IS real. We happen to get “lucky” that the seats we were given were being saved for someone who didn’t show. We went from section 206 to 124, and it was AMAZING. We were able to dance freely and enjoy the rest of our night…thankfully. Just out of curiosity I looked up our tickets…and they were about $200+. THAT’s INSANE. I guess safety costs! HUH?

I’ll just leave this article HERE. Because I am not the only one who feels this way. Concerts are supposed to be a fun experience not a dangerous one. (And no I wasn’t drinking, (and my friend barely finished hers because she got so anxious from the seating) I can only imagine how many people have fallen because of the combination of alcohol and steep seating.)

^ The left we were sitting way high up in the nose bleeds. The right we were in our new seats.^

From all these pictures you would never know the kind of concert experience we had! I may not be a fan of the venue, but I am a fan of the very sweet woman who accommodated us when no one else would. I will NEVER purchase tickets that high up again, and if this venue wasn’t so convenient for me to go to, I probably would never purchase tickets there again at all. An unforgettable night for sure, a list of things that went wrong. But girl, we hung in and we conquered it! #FightForYourHealth #Memories #AnxietyIsReal #SafetyIsAPriority

Shawn is a class act, the arena lit up beautifully with everyone wearing the bracelets they gave us as we walked in. And Shawn barely ever left the stage, performing an epic 23 song set! He is an insane talent. THAT is what I am choosing to focus on, that in the end, we were STILL able to have a good time. I just hope that Barclays takes measures to create a safer environment for concert goers.


Set list (via setlist.fm)

Lost in Japan

There’s Nothing Holdin’ Me Back



Señorita / I Know What You Did Last Summer


Bad Reputation

Never Be Alone

I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)
(Whitney Houston cover)

A Little Too Much / Because I Had You / Patience / When You’re Ready

Life of the Party

Like to Be You


Treat You Better

Particular Taste

Where Were You in the Morning?

Fallin’ All in You


If I Can’t Have You



Fix You
(Coldplay cover)
In My Blood

By the way…Here was my concert going outfit. I was really excited about it!

I basically just wanted an all black base so I could rock this funky kimono. And of course I did gold jewelry and gold nails. Mind you, I was on a budget and this WHOLE outfit (aside from the bag and jewelry which I already had) costed me about $40! I think it kinda turned out pretty cool! 🙂

Taylor Swift


Lover [released August 2019]

We know how I feel about this new album!

***** 5 Stars!!!

My favorite tracks include- I Forgot That You Existed, The Man, I Think He Knows, False God & Afterglow. But honestly I love every single track. Her lyrics are GOLD! She truly was born to do this!

Ed Sheeran


No. 6 Collaborations Project [released July 2019]

Some of my favorite tracks are Beautiful People ft. Khalid, South of the Border ft. Camila Cabello & Cardi B., I Don’t Care with Justin Bieber (of course cuz it’s a JAM!), I Don’t Want Your Money ft. H.E.R, Put It All On Me ft. Ella Mai [this gives me suchBlackstreet & Mya-“Take me there”/City High “What would you do” vibes and the very beginning of this track is very “My whole life has changed” by Ginuwine.

Ok so I know I’ve been sleeping on this album and I’m kind of mad at myself because I consider myself an Ed Sheeran fan. He is actually on my concert bucket list, along with Taylor Swift, Bruno Mars and Joy Williams (previously known as 1/2 of The Civil Wars). I had given it a quick listen one day, but didn’t really let it sink in, but recently I have just been playing it at random times, and I mean I totally dig the concept of creating a full album of collabs. He really collaborated with such a variety of artists and he killed it. He really can do anything. Such an incredible artist. I’m just going to leave you with this Dublin concert video, because I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched this in the past….him and a loop pedal…EPIC!

The Jonas Brothers


Happiness Begins [released June 2019]

So this was a THING! The brothers reunited musically after being separated for the past 6 years. I wasn’t A HUGE DIE HARD fan of the JoBros, but I did vibe with them and their music. I LOVED their A Little Bit Longer Album and I’ve loved their solo music too. When I heard they reunited, my boy band loving heart was HAPPY. If tickets were cheaper, I’d probably go see them just to fill my boy band void. #IMLOOKINGATYOU*NSYNC

My favorite tracks include, Sucker (OBVI…it’s a damn BOP!), Only Human (loved it before it was a single), I Believe, Used To Be, and Rollercoaster.

I really like this album. Do it JOBROS! I know it’s been a minute, but I love that they are brothers/family first.


You can listen to these albums on Spotify, iTunes, YouTube, etc.


*I do not take credit for any album art used.*

*All other images are my own.*
